Sunday, 12 April 2015

Art Grant Image Gallery

Art Grant Image Gallery Below, are the 15 images which I submitted with my Canada Council for the Arts grant application on Dec 1, 2014. They appear in order, and when clicked, something known as a "lightbox slideshow" will launch, which displays the full-sized images, with an opaque overlay placed above the LOCALS ONLY blog in the background.

01) 2014 - My Vision - Locals Only 02) 2007 - Looking Neglected 03) 2012 - Record Low November 04) 2012 - Hammer And Chisel 05) 2012 - Prep Work 06) 2012 - Execution 07) 2012 - Lounge 08) 2012 - Mutual Consent 09) 2012 - Face The Wall 10) 2013 - Point Break 11) 2014 - Storm Surge Fury 12) 2014 - Crane Deployed 13) 2014 - The Crew 14) 2014 - Current State November 15) 2014 - Inspired - Heaven In The Clouds

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